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The Barbados Football Association (BFA) was founded in 1910
and celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2010.


BFA Pays Tribute to Former General Secretary Jai Jebodhsingh

The Barbados Football Association (BFA) has today issued an official statement regarding the passing of former BFA General Secretary, Jai Jebodhsingh.

“The Barbados Football Association (BFA) is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of former BFA General Secretary Jailal ‘Jai’ Jebodhsingh.

Known as ‘one of Barbados’ football heroes of the 1970s’ and the ‘father of UWI sports’ at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Cave Hill Campus, Jai Jebodhsingh, a French lecturer and Past President of the Caribbean University Sports Association (CUSA), is credited as the driving force behind the inception of an extra-curricular sports programme for past and present students at UWI.

With a particular passion for football, in 1975 Jai established the annual inter-faculty league and knockout football competitions. This was an important platform for footballers to obtain playing experience and additionally allowed local women’s football to grow, at a time where there was no competitive women’s league in Barbados.

Jebodhsingh was also a Coach and an attacking forward on Cave Hill’s football team.

During his time as BFA General Secretary, he encouraged the formation of Parish Leagues and promoted a philosophy of ‘football for all’ across the island.

The BFA extends heartfelt condolences to Jai’s family and loved ones, and thanks Jai for his extensive contribution and dedication to the development of football and sports in Barbados.”



Caption: Former BFA General Secretary Jai Jebodhsingh (image credit The Nation Newspaper).


Media enquires:


Amy Goulding 

BFA Communications Director

+1 (246) 820 8695

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